Fraudsters are targeting credit union members throughout the country through a vishing (phone-based phishing) scam. They are spoofing credit union phone numbers and posing as a employee in the credit union’s fraud or security department. The fraudsters tell the members they are calling to verify suspicious debit card transactions and, to verify the members identity, the member’s are asked to provide the CVV2/CVC2 codes on the back of the card and the expiration date.
Because the fraudsters already have counterfeit debit cards on hand, they use the information obtained to change the members debit card PIN.
Remember, the EEFCU will call you if we are concerned about a transaction, but we will identify ourself and have no need to know your CCV2/CVC2 number or personal security information. Visa Fraud Department may also call you to verify a purchase, but once again, they will identify themselves and never ask you for any of your security information. If your in doubt, call us directly or Visa Fraud Department using the number provided on the back of your card.