EEFCU Annual Meeting – Tuesday October 25th
The EEFCU Annual Meeting will be held via Zoom, Tuesday October 25th at 5:45 p.m. The EEFCU Board of Directors will have 5 open positions that will be voted upon. All Current incumbents will be running to fill these positions.
1 year term – Lloyd Paseman
2 year term – Randi Bjornstad, Lisa Crossley, Bonnie Cubit, Christian Wihtol
Open the Board of Directors Ballot below and print. You may scan and email the completed ballot to,, mail it to EEFCU, 850 Beltline Rd. Springfield, OR 97477, or drop it by the EEFCU. Ballots must be received by October 24th to be counted.
If you are interested in running for one of the open positions, please contact Carolyn Stahly, CEO by October 16, 2022 for information and requirements.
Register for the meeting by calling 541-988-9059 or emailing us a message at including your name, current phone and email. Watch for additional information on our website, FB page, newsletters, statements, and EEFCU lobby. Prize drawings will be held for those who register and attend the meeting, and for those who return ballots.