Free… or Really Free?

They say the best thicut_2737.inddngs in life are free. Unfortunately, many of so-called “free” products and services that banks offer come with lots of strings attached. Read the fine print in many bank contracts and you’re likely to discover minimum balance requirements, costly fees, and other hidden restrictions.

At one major bank, for example, a no-frills checking account costs $12 a month. At another, the cheapest account is $8.95 a month. Still, another megabank charges $15 monthly. These three banks will waive the fee only if the customer maintains a $1,500 minimum balance.

That’s not how we operate.

The difference is that at the Emerald Empire Federal Credit Union you’re not a customer: You’re a member. That means our very reason for being is to serve our member-owners, not to provide a profit for investors. 

The Credit Union Checking survey, conducted by Bankrate in 2014, found that 72% of the nation’s 50 largest credit unions offer a free checking account, meaning the account charges no monthly service fees or point-of-sale transaction fees regardless of balance.

The EEFCU doesn’t believe in charging you just to have a checking account or just to do a transaction.  We want your checking account to be simple

If the checking account you’re using now comes with strings attached, stop by the EEFCU today. We’ll show you that the best things in life are, indeed, free.