Don’t you wish you could pay less on your bills. Well, you can. Your car payment is a great example. Refinancing your vehicle loan may lead to a lower monthly payment depending on various factors; including the value of your vehicle, how much you owe, and your credit standing.
If you are having trouble making your monthly payments, your credit has improved, or you have found a lower interest rate, it might be time to consider refinancing.
The EEFCU is here to help you. If you have a vehicle financed at another institution and the thought of refinancing has crossed your mind, come talk to us. We can take a look at what you’re currently paying, compare it to what we can do for you, and help you determine what works best.
If you are thinking of purchasing a vehicle, come talk with us about our New and Used vehicle rates. We’d be happy to help you determine the value of the vehicle, look at interest rates, discuss your trade in, and finance the vehicle.